Prof K P Antony (Late), Former Faculty of Dept of Chemistry, St Thomas' College, Thrissur, Kerala, I

Prof. KP Antony

Prof K P Antony (Late), Former Faculty of Dept of Chemistry, St Thomas' College, Thrissur,…....View Details

One of the

St Pope John Paul II

St HH Pope John Paul II Receiving Artist Kodankandath's Painting "De Coding Da Vinci" at…....View Details

The  ‘The mother 1’ titled painting presented to St Mother Teresa

St Mother Teresa - Nobel Laureate

The ‘The mother 1’ titled painting presented to St Mother Teresa....View Details

Tibetan Dreams painting was presented to HH The Dalai Lama on the 69th birthday of HH the Dalai Lama

HH The Dalai Lama - Nobel Laureate

Tibetan Dreams Titled painting was presented to HH The Dalai Lama on the occasion of…....View Details

United Nations  General Assembly Exhibition

United Nations General Assembly Exhibition

A series of 16 paintings exhibited at UN Head Quarters, New York, USA in connection…....View Details

Florence Biennale Medal

Florence-Biennale Medal

Artist Kodankandath Won The Florence Biennale Medal....View Details

V P Sing Former Prime Mister With Artist Kodankandath

V P Sing Former Prime Minister - India

V P Sing Former Prime Mister - India visiting Artist Kodankandath Exhibition at Jehangir Art…....View Details

Diocese Cultural Award Receiving Ceremony

Diocese Cultural Award

Receiving Diocese Cultural Award from H E Cardinal Dr George Alanchery.....View Details

Sri Chandra Shekhar, Former  Prime Minister of India receiving Artist Kodankandath  painting at Town

Sri Chandra Shekhar Former Prime Minister - India

Sri Chandra Shekhar, Former Prime Minister of India receiving Artist Kodankandath painting at Town Hall,…....View Details

Category Description

Artist met various well known world leaders that include sovereign state heads, spiritual leaders, political leaders, artists, art lovers and art collectors.   Artist give high regards to these  leaders interaction  and  cherished these Inspiring moments. 

Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath got a chance to showcase his 16 paintings during the UN General Assembly session. The paintings displayed all over the UN General Assembly hall, including the Assembly hall stage podium, its side walk-ways and hall entrance. Artist Kodankandath attended the  General Assembly session along with 140 sovereign states heads in the UN Head Quarters, New York, USA. This is another important events in artist career.  

Artist Kodankandath's  father Prof KP Antony was the person who introduced Artist Kodankandath  to the world of art. Artist's Father gave full support for all endeavours in this field and attended the function where Artist received 'National Award ' for painting. Artist Kodankandath is considering this moment as a real blessing and Artist Kodankandath  cherishes this in his  mind.  

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