A typical Ayurveda treatment Context

Ayurveda 4

A typical Ayurveda treatment Context....View Details

King Dhanvantari  God of Ayurveda

Ayurveda 3

King Dhanvantari God of Ayurveda....View Details

Ayurveda Treatment Medicines Resources

Ayurveda 5

Ayurveda Treatment Medicines extracts....View Details

Painting depicts the tools used in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda 6

Painting depicts the tools used in Ayurveda.....View Details

Painting is about oil based Ayurveda treatment

Ayurveda 2

Painting is about oil based Ayurveda treatment....View Details

Ayurveda treatment

Ayurveda 1

Ayurveda treatment....View Details

Another type of treatment called Kizhi

Ayurveda 7

Another type of treatment called Kizhi....View Details

Category Description

Artist Kodankandath started studying Ayurveda treatments, which is an ancient health care tradition practiced in India and South East Asia. Artist analyzed various Ayurveda medicines, equipment and even age old documents written on 'thaliyola" or Leaf in order to start this painting series. Thaliyola manuscripts are manuscripts made out of dried palm leaves. Thaliyola were used as writing materials in Indian subcontinent dating back to the 5th century BCE.

In India, where Kerala is probably only one state where Ayurveda is used as a mainstream medicine. Kerala Ayurveda is famous for its 5 prolonged treatment, named as Panchakarma. As part of this treatment medicated oil, herbs, milk, and special diet are used to cure all types of aliments. Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest healing methods and places a great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintain health through a balanced approach in life, thinking, diet, lifestyle, and herbs.

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