This painting series pays tribute to Somayagam a highly spiritual and effective ritual

Somayagam 1

This painting series pays tribute to Somayagam a highly spiritual and effective ritual....View Details

Soma yagam is a highly spiritual and effective ritual performed as prescribed in the Vedas.

Somayagam 2

Soma yagam is a highly spiritual and effective ritual performed as prescribed in the Vedas.....View Details

This painting series pays tribute to Somayagam

Somayagam 3

This painting series pays tribute to Somayagam, a highly spiritual and effective ritual performed as…....View Details

Category Description

This painting series pays tribute to Somayagam a Hindu ritual. It has been a Vedic tradition and is one of the most important constituents of the spiritual practices of the Vedas. The yagam is a demonstration of the fundamental laws of the universe. Somayagam is a type of yajna performed to appease celestial entities to promote the well-being of all humanity. Somayagam is also a highly spiritual and effective ritual performed as prescribed in the Vedas.

As per Hindu Vedas, Somayagam has an unparalleled importance in the yajna culture. According to Veda scholars Somayagam provides powerful boost to healing energy for those who participate and to the whole world. The atmosphere becomes clean, medicinal, nutritious and disease-free and  yield a qualitative and quantitative psychic improvement.

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