Mahatma Gandhi was as fond of young children just as much as Jawaharlal Nehru,

Mahatma on Khadi 2

Mahatma Gandhi was as fond of young children just as much as Jawaharlal Nehru, for…....View Details

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Artist Kodankandath’s painting series on Mahatma Gandhi (Father of our Nation) consisting of 16 paintings were selected to be exhibited at the UN Head Quarters, New York, USA,  commemorating the International Day of Non-Violence on October 2nd, 2018 being the 150th birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of our Nation.

The paintings from this series were, created on eco-friendly Khadhi canvas, using the techniques Artist Kodankandath himself had come up with. Khadhi is a sustainable, hand woven cotton textile directly derived from nature, with a low carbon footprint. The painting got preference in the selection process  as all the works were made on Khadi Canvas. Gandhi paintings on khadi at UN Headquarters was held with Dr Arun T Kuruvila (USA), artist and son-in law of Artist,who contributed 4 paintings in this series. 

Artist Kodankandath showcased 16 paintings from his Ghandi series in UN General Assembly. The paintings displayed all over the UN General Assembly hall, including the Assembly hall stage podium, its side walk-ways and  hall entrance. During the session 140 Sovereign States Heads attended and Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Antonio Guterres addressed the General assembly session. Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath attended the General Assembly session and showcased Mahatma Gandhi's portraits to the world leaders. After the UN Head Quarters Exhibition the paintings were exhibited at Philadelphia, Oregon and Colorado and other part of the world.

Four paintings from this series installed at UN Headquarters office, Indian Government purchased four paintings and installed at Dhandi March Museum, Dhandi, Gujrat India, another one installed at Indian Consulate office New York, USA.   

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