Restoration Within

Description :

Artist Kodankandath received the 46th National Akademi Award for this painting titled ‘Restoration Within’ in 2004. 

Artist Kodankandath tries to convey the message of Self-Restoration or spiritual renewal using a real life example of the restoration of a colossal structure, a Cathedral in Kerala, India.

Size : 140 CMS x 120 CMS

Orientation : Horizontal

Limited Edition : 1 of 33

Medium : Oil on Canvas

The artist requested to his viewers to understand the fact that just appearing externally as someone clean and pious is off no relevance if internally the person has decay of the soul, the being or the vessel. You have to start from within to glow more and genuinely from the outside.


For any information regarding available work, commissions, collaborations, Consulting and workshops at or any other inquiry you may have.