Panchavadhyam (Thalavatam)

Description :

Panchavadhyam (Thalavatam) another painting series  selected by National Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi for The National Exhibition of Art -1994.

This painting depicts the traditional musical symphony being performed in connection with the celebration of the world famous ‘Thrissur Pooram Festival’, during its night hours.    It is currently in the collection of Baharat Petroleum Corporation, Chennai, India.

Size : 120 CMS x 100 CMS

Orientation : Horizontal

Limited Edition : 4 of 33

Medium : Acrylic on Canvas

The Traditional musical symphony being performed in connection with the celebration of the world famous ‘Thrissur Pooram Festival’  on Canvas.

Panchavadyam is an orchestra typical of Kerala. It consists of five instruments: kombu, edakka, thimila, ilathalam and maddalam (pancha – five, vadyam - orchestra) Panchavadyam is played during temple festivals like pooram, vela etc.


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