Arab with the Pet Falcon

Description :

An Arab with his trained pet detect and hunt... part of an on going Arab life style.

Sharing a series of paintings I had created in the year 2005, as a part of an initiative by the 'Dubai Police Headquarters' based on the history and culture of the Middle East. The same were printed as the official calendars for the year 2006.

Size : 40 CMS x 35 CMS

Orientation : Horizontal

Limited Edition : 12 of 66

Medium : Acrylic on Handmade Paper

The falcon is considered a potent symbol of the nation's strength and heritage. The Arab hunters dates back hundreds of years, making the falcon one of the most important animals in the country. With the scarce desert environment, falcons helped Bedouins hunt animals native to the region. 

The falcon, a heritage and culture, stands for valour and chivalry, a bird that fights for itself, that hunts for its food with elegance and ferocity. According to heritage experts "It is an important political and cultural symbol. 


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