Mahatma on Khadi 3

Description :

Mahatma Gandhi with Frontier Gandhi, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan.

Size : 90 CMS x 120 CMS

Orientation : Vertical

Limited Edition : 2 of 33

Medium : Mixed Media on Khadhi Canvas

Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath showcased 16 paintings from The Mahatma Ghandhi series in UN General Assembly. The paintings displayed all over the UN General Assembly hall, including the Assembly hall stage podium, its side walk-ways and  hall entrance.

During the session 140 Sovereign States Heads attended and Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Antonio Guterres addressed the General assembly session. Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath attended the General Assembly session and showcased Mahatma Gandhi's portraits to the world leaders.

After the UN Head Quarters Exhibition the paintings were exhibited at Philadelphia, Oregon and Colorado and other part of the world.


For any information regarding available work, commissions, collaborations, Consulting and workshops at or any other inquiry you may have.