Green Jesus

Description :

The artist paints the crucifixion of The Lord Jesus, where Jesus is on the crucifix with the two thieves, one good and one bad, on either side of him, to represent the sinner and the winner of God. The painting asks the viewer on which side they wish to be on, the side that is forgiven and closer to Jesus or the side that is forgotten and the furthest from God.  

It has been created in his painting style (a style that has evolved over time) that appears to be quite similar to the European stained glass work. He refers to these paintings of Gods in his painting style as 'East Meets West'.

Size : 150 CMS x 120 CMS

Orientation : Horizontal

Limited Edition : 1 of 33

Medium : Oil on Canvas


For any information regarding available work, commissions, collaborations, Consulting and workshops at or any other inquiry you may have.