Way of The Cross 1st Station

Description :

Way of the Cross 1st Station : Jesus Christ is condemned to death

Jesus Christ  is condemned to death By Pilate, the Roman prefect (governor) of Judaea,   who presided at the trial of Jesus and gave the order for Jesus crucifixion

Size : 180 CMS x 130 CMS

Orientation : Horizontal

Limited Edition : 1 of 33

Medium : Acrylic on Inner tower wall

Bible Tower Art Work Curation

Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath had the privilege of curating all the artworks and creating some himself,  inside the well-known Bible Tower that is a part of the Catholic Church ‘Our Lady of Dolours Basilica Alias Puthenpally’, Kerala, India. This Bible Tower is the tallest church tower in Asia which can be seen from anywhere in the town of Thrissur.  Artist Kodankadnath himself painted all the stations of ‘The Way of the Cross’ inside the Bible Tower.


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